Risk Warning

Risk Warning

Please read this statement carefully to understand the risks associated with trading in derivatives through ALFA FINANCIAL LLC.

This brief statement does not cover all risks and significant aspects of trading in derivatives. You should only engage in such transactions if you fully understand the nature of the contracts (and contractual relationships) you are entering into and the extent of your exposure to risk. Trading in derivatives may not be suitable for all individuals. You should assess whether trading aligns with your experience, objectives, financial resources, and other relevant circumstances. Seeking independent advice is recommended if needed.

Derivatives inherently carry risks and are not suitable for investors seeking stable income, as returns may fluctuate significantly. Investments in over-the-counter (OTC) products may face limitations on selling or realizing the investment, which can restrict access to information about its value or associated risks.

Transactions in derivatives involve high risk due to leverage. The initial margin required is small relative to the value of the contracts, making transactions "leveraged" or "geared." This means a minor market movement can have a disproportionate effect on your deposited funds. You could lose all initial margin funds and any additional funds required to maintain your position. Market movements against your position or increased margin requirements may necessitate substantial additional funds on short notice.

Orders intended to limit losses, such as "stop-loss" orders, may not be effective in all market conditions due to execution limitations.

Before trading, ensure you understand all applicable commissions, fees, and charges, as these will impact your net returns or increase your losses.

Trading on electronic systems introduces additional risks, including potential hardware and software failures, which might result in orders not being executed as instructed or at all.

The views and statements on this website are provided to the best of our knowledge and belief but are given without responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions. Prices and rates presented are illustrative and may differ from current actual values.

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